Monday, September 26, 2011

Death for thinness..

I've come up with a really idiotic thing that I can't help.. This summer I found out I have epilepsy and so I've tried a few different meds for it. One of which I was allergic to. I was looking up side affects of keppra, which was the medication I was allergic to. It turns out that that medication messes with your brain in a certain way and induces Anorexia.. So I decided to start taking them again. I know I know I am absolutely an idiot! But I cant help myself.. I really truly cannot.. Its just i need a little bit more of a boost to this. Just because I'm getting weaker. So now that I'm broken out in hives I can stop worrying about food and remember what thinness is really worth to me. I am willing to put  my life at risk just to get where i want to be, to achieve what really matters and to be beautiful everywhere. I was curious do you guys think I'm really stupid for this? Have any of you done something similarly idiotic for thinness? Maybe some of you have ingested ring worm at some point? I have considered that before, I guess I would be considered a bulimic anorexic ya know? I feel insane sometimes. All the time, every minute of the day. Most of my actions are extremely questionable.



  1. PLEASE be careful. I am not going to go into crazy long drawnout speak on why you shouldnt do this Just make sure that things you need like heart, liver, ect are working right reactions to meds and be very scary.

  2. Yeah, I agree with ednos Libby, I don't think anything else needs to be said, you know what the effects are and all, just please Sam - BE CAREFUL! Stay safe Hon! xx

  3. Just one more thing - I understand wanting to be thin and all, but don't you want to be around to enjoy your thinness? Even a tiny bit? You can't really enjoy it if you're dead. Just think about that k? Please don't be insulted, I just don't want anything to happen you...
    Hang in there girl! <3

  4. I'm the last person who should be preaching, lest I be a hypocrite, but.....please understand that I've lived through all this . I've done what you guys are doing. In fact, I'll share. When I was 16 and dying for thinness, I used to steal my mother's diet pills. She never noticed because she never took them, she really lacked self control. The pills I took were metabolife, which at the time had ephedra - a stimulant similar to speed that was so dangerous the feds banned it. you were supposed to take one before meals - I was taking a handful a few times a day. I was also taking those pep pills you find at convenience stores and drinking half a gallon's worth of energy drinks. My breakfast consisted of cigarettes and coffee. My lunch consisted of a liter of zero calorie strawberry soda and some cheetos. Dinner didn't happen because I was at work, I just had some more energy drinks. Plus I was working out an average of 4 hours a day (2 of those hours were spent walking home from school, i lived several miles away). I even took speed a few times. It was so bad, I could actually feel my heart beating way too fast, I lost a ton of weight and everyone went from telling me how great I looked to telling me I needed to put some meat on my bones. I felt so disgusting and worthless I felt that at least I would leave behind a beautiful, thin corpse - no one would be able to say that it was a fatass that had died. God had a different plan for me, I somehow lived, never even went to the hospital or anything. So, long story long,you already know that taking these pills leaves you ill, I guarantee you'll feel a lot better if you kick ass and get thin *without* the aid of these pills.
