Wednesday, October 19, 2011

ABC Day 1, again. CW 127.6 weighed at 5:25pm

So, I'm not excited or anything. I'm not thinking I'm going to make it anywhere. All I know is that I dont have any choice but to lose weight so I'm doing this. I've eaten 365 calories today, -jello -coffee- oatmeal - tuna and  -egg whites I worked off 370 so far. Thinking later will bring oatmeal? Its 150 cals I'm going to have to poor some of it out though because its 15 cals over  what i have left. I need to decide which flavor I'm going to have.. Anyway one day at a time this is going to be a long process but we will see. Lucky for me Thanksgiving is a 500 calorie day. I think I'm going to fast the day before and add the calories of that to the Thanksgiving dinner, Maybe the day after too? Oh god this is going to be terrible. my whole family is coming for the stupid day so I'm sure my mom is going to make it one of "those" days... Also Halloween is coming up I don't have a costume and I have family coming for that too luckily its a 400 calorie day and I have a party to go to. I'm taking little girls trick or treating and I'm going to give my candy away. I'll look like such a good person inside and my body I'm hoping will look alright too(: Oh and tomorrow is my brothers 18th birthday.. Cake and ice cream.... That's a 500 calorie day as well, I'm getting super fucking lucky here all of those holidays are the high calorie days thank god. I think my last day is December 13th That's nice too. I'll have time before Christmas to be all like mom I need new clothes none of mine fit anymore! So come Christmas morning I have a large assortment of clothes (:  Hoping to be down to a 00 because I'm a 2 now. Reasonable right? I'd love to have to have cheer uniform in some too!(: Gah I need to stop day dreaming stop being a failure and just do this!
<3 Samantha darling

I want to look like this.

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