So it's the middle of day 4, I'm still doing great in the Ana Boot Camp. I'm a little light headed and this morning had a a quick heart beat but that's okay. I realized after the first two days its really easy to just say no. Originally I wanted to lose 8 lbs in the first 11 days I think it might just happen, maybe more if I get lucky. The 11th day is Halloween so by that day I would really like to be under 120. If I keep losing weight as steadily as I am (because I have a lot of fat to get rid of) I might be 116.6 by then? Which is just half a pound over what my first goal weight. I've noticed all of my goal weights are people xD. The first is my friend Ana, she weighs 116 (obviously). The second is Alycia at 105, the third is Kara at 97. Oh I found this model that is 5'6" and 100 pounds she is still curvy and stuff so that's good that I wont be noticeably emaciated if I get there. Oh I should tell you, all of the girls that I want to be thinner than are 2 inches taller than me.. I know this whole post is all over the place and for that I really do apologize. Oh the cheer uniform tops came in, mine is so tight and everybody else's are super baggy, its going to look so nasty during competition I think the competition is right after I finish ABC lol. I hope I don't pass out at practice that would be interesting, my anorexic coach would be all Samm you have a serious problem, and I'd be all like STFU look whose talking. Then I would get kicked off the team and that would suck because I would get bored a lot. At least I would have my uniform and stuff and be able to see my dad. Who I miss, whoa all of a sudden I'm seeing black dots ha ha ha kind of interesting. I could just fall asleep right now xD. Like I've been saying every time I post, I don't want to get too excited about ABC because I don't know how this is going to work out. I'm just taking it one day at a time. I was following one of you who was doing ABC but you didn't know your weight but i think you only lost like 25lbs? If thats the case for me when I end ABC I'll do the skinny girl diet. I think I would prefer not to be hospitalized because I don't want to have to get fat again! I am working really hard to melt my fat ass. OH! So i have 3 laxatives left? I am saving one for Thanksgiving definitely i just don't know when I'm taking the other two? Maybe one the day before Halloween so I could be that half pound thinner if I am just really close to my gw #1. I know I am going to work out hardcore before just to try and lose more than a pound a day. It's starting to get on my nerves that this is sooooo damn slow! But I know slow and steady wins the race. It's just so fucking annoying! I am so tired haa, and this is such a random and boring post that I'm sure you guys are all like shut the front door sam I'm getting tired of your rambling. I noticed I have a new follower so thats pretty neat! Hello new followers Welcome! As for the old followers thanks for being here (: Thinspo today? I think yes
Hey it's been a while since I've been on here, I've been really busy and just haven't had time to be online and stuff... I really missed your blog though! :) But yeah, I only lost like 24 pounds on ABC but I did cheat a few times and the last week I ate SO much I didn't lose at ALL - I was just glad I didn't gain like 5 pounds. So you could forsure lose more if you really stick to it. Good luck! xx