Thursday, August 11, 2011

Maybe I'm retaining water?

I'm at 122.2 now, and so I'm thinking period time? Because it is kinda late, but then again maybe I missed that? I mean that would be sooo awesome! But if I am retaining water then I need to drink tons, and I have pills to make sure you don't retain water. Today I've had like five cups of coffee xD fun stuff don't you think? I also have cheer so there will be ton's of sweat! Almost so much to the point of absolute exhaustion I'm sure. But I'm really hoping that I will be able to pull a two pound loss so that I can at least see the 120ish on the scale tomorrow so that I'm not a complete failure ya know? I was doing really well this week gah! But I'm going to stay positive drink tons and tons of water, and keep busy doing things that don't turn me into a fat zombie! I need to remember that every calorie count's I need to be in control of what I stuff in my face. OH, so I got sized for my cheer uniform early right? I was a size smaller than I was last time(: Te he I think I let that go to my head though because right after that I started gaining weight.. Ruhtroh! This is going to be a very short post but remember I love you guy's and I will achieve what I set my mind to just like I know the rest of you are doing. You are such an inspiration to me!

KEEP GOING!!! <3 Samantha

1 comment:

  1. i am so glad you like my comments :-) sometimes i wonder if people even read them? anyways thank you!
    stupid water weight! I hate it when that happens! but then when the water goes away there is usually a nice loss on the scale :-)
    have fun at cheer!
