Friday, December 30, 2011


Today I am 3lbs lighter than I was yesterday which is surprising, I really didn't expect more than a half pound of weight loss, especially because I cheated later on in the day with cookies. I wasn't exactly sure how to go about this diet at all. but I do know I made some great progress and said no to bad foods several times. I'm really excited about this diet and hope I can stay motivated to do it. I have a secret to tell you guys.. I got so big that my pants started to rip... in the thigh. I have no more pants to wear. I need to go shopping but I don't want to go when I just started my diet. In case I manage to lose a good amount of weight on this. My mom said it really works but when she stayed on it she lost hair because it was so hard! I want to lose 22lbs from where i am today it may take a few months but I'm still motivated and ready to work so we shall see.
<3 Samantha
she started 4lbs heavier than me and ended at my gw, she also is the same height.. 5'5"
Post image for Anonymous Weight Loss

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