So I've just finished meditating and I feel enlightened. Every time I almost get aggravated I realize what I can do to make it better. In meditating I experienced visual ways of breaking down my barriers. I literally saw myself sitting in a white room in what you would probably imagine as the position of Buddha. Inside this endless room there I sat surrounded by a wall, when I realized that that wall has been whats stopping me from achieving the things I want most. Something emerged from me I would call it my spirit. Suddenly my spirit broke out of my body, and floated to the top of the barrier I was surrounded by. Brick, by brick I broke the barrier. Slowly and steadily, I haven't finished yet but what I saw on the other side was beautiful. There I was smiling, and glowing. I had found myself, and found the happiness that was lost. Sitting next to me there was a tool box, instead of being normal tools; these tools were special, each of them had different qualities that I could choose to add to myself in order to form the me that I want to be.They were unlimited, anything I could think of was right before me courage, independence, self control, and honesty among an assortment of others. So the part of my spirit that had been breaking down the barrier picked up the tools and began carving, sanding, and tightening.I was able to add all of the tattoo's and piercing that I want and know that they are beautiful. An important thing I found was that the meditating didn't make me want to eat. It gave me the tools I need to become thin, and achieve my goals in the time that I want. I wasn't discouraged by myself at all. In fact the idea was welcomed because it would make me happy. Anything that is positive in my eyes is more than welcome. As I continue to build my character I can also display my inner peace on the outside through a spiritual fast. I learned that instead of focusing on simply not eating: I can replace my food with spiritual enlightenment. That I can feed off of universal energy instead of using a physical energy, by that I mean food. I am so excited to continue my meditation and to watch myself grow and learn. I'm able to encourage myself using the tools I know I already have. The tools I have had, and I just didn't know until I broke the barrier. There is still more of it to see on the other side. I'm more than excited to find out exactly who I am. I strongly encourage you to at least try meditation, it's not any specific religion only inner peace. Remember to inhale positive energy, and exhale negative energy and thoughts. Inhale self control, and exhale the guilt you feel around food. It's that simple, you don't need a lot of time. Personally I would love to meditate constantly, but I do have to live in the real world sometimes.(: I'm excited to share more, and hopefully influence you in a positive way. One last thing, I found a second me standing to the left of the me with the tool box. She was a cartoon super hero, when I asked her what her super power was she flew above the earth spread her arms. Suddenly the earth was surrounded by a blue aura and she said "to love." Amazing that all of that has been inside me and I never knew.
<3 Samantha
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