Monday, November 28, 2011

Molly Reid shut down.

So I know, I've been gone for almost a month. I apologize, I don't exactly have an excuse or good news. i never have good news damn. I want to go back to this summer when I was doing ubber well because I wasn't getting high. Fuck. Whatever I'm not going to be negative about this anyway.. Now that I'm here I just wanted to say O.M.G I MISS YOU LADIES! :') Okay now that that's been covered, I think Molly Reid is in recovery or simply got shut down. Her blog says "shut down" which really blows.. I dunno I wish my phone hadn't been stolen other wise I would text her and see what was going down. Last time I did talk to her that's what she said was that she was in recovery. I let her know I support her and if any of you followed her and had her number I suggest you text her and do the same. :) She could probably use a friend to help her along. Onto some other stuffs how were your Halloweens and thanksgivings? I'm still eating pie l.o.l... I had a slice this morning and a green apple along with Starbucks Christmas blend he he. Somebody set my scale to kg so its a pain in the ass to find out how much i weigh.. I'm 60.8 kg which is 133.8, and remember that's after the pie, the coffee and the apple. dammit if I hadn't eaten I would've been able to say I weighed less. Well fuck me side ways because now I am going to work my way down to 50kg (I don't even know how much that is and don't tell me okay?) It seems like ten pounds to me and I'm not going to check until I get there. SO don't tell! Oh, I have a cheer competition this weekend. Scary stuff bro.. Not to mention I started gauging my ears this weekend for those of you that don't know the sizes before 0g go like this 16g, 14g, 12g, 10g, 8g, 6g, 4g, 2g, 0g. Now that you know I'll explain where I am and what happened like an hour ago. I'm at a 10g which is kinda fast for somebody who just started gauging on Friday. I was cleaning my gauges not even 20minutes ago. I was using my 8g tapers to make sure my ears didn't close during the 15 minute ordeal. It was just an extra precaution, but one of them slid all the way through and I was all like FUCKKKK because that made one ear 8g and the other one 10g so then i tried to put the taper through the other one and sadface it wouldnt go so again I was like dammit. but then i put the 10's back in because its pretty ghetto to have 2 diff size gauges. Once again, I say sad faces because I was really excited to be an 8 beeeecauseeee that makes me 4 sizes away from my goal of 0, maybe i'll go to 00 (one size bigger than 0) just because I want to be able to put my pinky through my ear as well as a sharpie tehe. alright lovlies byebye.

<3 Samantha

this picture is so you know what the sizes look like when I talk about them

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted, I was a bit worried (hypocritical of me, i know, i too have been gone) but anyway I missed ya and feel free to chat with me whenever you'd like!
