Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its about control.

So I guess I'm bulimic, whatever.
I'm turning this into a PRO ANA/MIA blog
That's not the point, the point is that I realised today in getting my food up
the rule of life is mind over matter. It seriously works. 
I thought to myself puke, suddenly I just did.
Then I thought puke all of it, and there it came every chunk.
Also I've been watching so many Ana/Mia movies you wouldn't believe, the enormous amount of tips that comes in them. Of course you do have to be looking but its not hard to see. If you can manage to stay focused. My favorites are Thin, and For the love of Nancy. If your looking for a Thinspiring T.V. show watch Supersize vs. Superskinny. 
Oh I know this is a bit off topic but, I recently moved into a new house and I have my own bathroom now.
I share absolutely no walls with anybody in my family. The only downside is its right near the living room. Fortunately the only time people are in the living room is when the T.V. is on. (:
My new room is like Puktopia! I'm loving it.
The point of today's entry is that you can do anything and its mind over matter. 
Your brain belongs to you, control it because your brain is the only thing you have can have control of.
-Stay thin Sam. <3

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